

Conference on Non-Capitalist Mixed Economies: Wars, Non-Capitalist Mixed Economies and Socialism

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Letošní konference je třetí z řady každoročních konferencí o nekapitalistických smíšených ekonomikách. Tentokrát se zabývá tím, jak války v minulosti i dnes přispěly k úspěchu či neúspěchu socialistických projektů po celém světě. Diskutuje se také o tom, jaké procesy v tomto ohledu pozorujeme v současném světě, jaké geopolitické a geoekonomické změny uspořádání probíhají a zda vidíme nějaké možné vyústění směrem k socialismu a/nebo nekapitalistickým smíšeným ekonomikám. Zaměříme se na ekonomický vývoj ve spojení s politickými snahami a silami. Vybrané přednášky budou později publikovány v časopise Eszmélet Journal.

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Konference bude vedená v hybridní online/offline formě, pro online účast se prosím předem registrujte na:

Přednášky budou v angličtině a překlad z maďarštiny do angličtiny a z angličtiny do maďarštiny bude zajištěn v programu Zoom pro registrované účastníky online přenosu.

This year’s conference is the third of the yearly Non-Capitalist Mixed Economies conferences. This time it considers how wars historically and today have contributed to the success or failures of socialist projects all around the world. It also discusses what processes we see in this respect in our current world, what geopolitical and geoeconomic reordering is going on, and whether we see any possible outcome toward socialism and/or non-capitalist mixed economies. Our focus will be on economic developments in conjunction with political efforts and forces. 
Selected talks will be later published by Eszmélet Journal.

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The conference will be held in a hybrid fashion, registration required for online participation on:

The talks will be in English, and translation both from Hungarian to English and from English to Hungarian will be provided in Zoom for registered participants in the online stream.



13:00 Opening statements: Miklós Gula (College for Advanced Studies in Social Theory), Attila Melegh (Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies, Eszmélet Journal)

1st Panel: Historical Lessons: Colonial Wars, Wars of Independence, World Wars and Guerilla Wars Globally

13:10 – 14:30 Session 1
Raquel Varela: Anti-Colonial Wars and Revolutions in Portugal
Pietro Basso: Revolutionary Wars in Africa Against Colonialism (online)
Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro: War and the Fates of the Mongolian and Vietnamese Revolutions
Richard Werner: After Successful Wars of Independence or Anti-Colonial Wars: How Colonialism is Continued Through Economic Means
Moderator: Miklós Gula

14:30 – 14:50 Q&A

14:50 – 15:10 Break

15:10 – 16:30 Session 2
József Böröcz: Destruction for Prosperity: War as an Instrument for Building Global Economic Inequality
David Barrios Rodríguez: EZLN: the Wars Against Oblivion and the Struggles for Life
Prem Kumar Rajaram: The Struggles of the Undeserving Poor: Riots, Protest, Hunger and Religion in the Colonial Social Formation
Tamás Krausz: Can We Learn From History?
Moderator: Bruno De Conti (online)

16:30 – 16:50 Q&A

16:50 – 17:10 Break

2nd Panel: Wars, Refugees and Non-Capitalist Solidarity Economy

17:10 – 17:50 Session 1
Petra Ezzeddine: Are the Solidarity Households Really Solidarity Households?: The (De)Economization of the Humanitarian Arena for Ukrainian Refugees in the Czech Republic
Noémi Katona: Solidarity Economy Answers to the Crisis of Care: Potentials and Challenges of Reorganising Care
Moderator: Mary Taylor (online)

17:50 – 18:10 Q&A


10:30 Opening statement: Joanna Gwiazdecka (Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung)

10:35 – 11:45 Session 2
Béla Soltész: Temporarily Protected – By Whom? The Social and Political Context of Helping Refugees in Hungary and Colombia
Savvas Michael-Matsas: Solidarity for Refugees and Self-Organization From Below in Fortress Europe. The Greek Experience. (online)
Violetta Zentai: Duty to Care and Solidarity: the Limits to Commoning in a Neoliberal-Authoritarian Order
Moderator: Attila Antal

11:45 – 12:05 Q&A

12:05 – 13:05 Lunch Break

3rd Panel: Current Wars, International Conflicts and Possible Transition to Socialism

13:05 – 14:05 Session 1 – Roundtable Discussion
Radhika Desai: The Socialism of War According to Keynes
David Lane: Socialist Approaches to War: From Promoting Peace to Revolutionary War
Alan Freeman: The Geopolitical Economy of Force
Moderator: Roberto Della Santa 

14:05 – 14:25 Q&A

14:25 – 14:45 Break

14:45 – 15:45 Session 2 – Roundtable Discussion
Fikadu T. Ayanie: Neoliberalization and Enduring Wars in Contemporary Africa: Ethiopia in Focus
Attila Melegh: Is Anti-Imperalism Anti-Imperialist? 
Bruno De Conti: Currencies and Wars: the Geopolitics of the International Monetary System (online)
Moderator: Transform! Europe

15:45 – 16:05 Q&A

To see the detailed conference outline please visit the link:…/conference-on-non…

Key Organizers: Karl Polanyi Research Center for Global Social Studies, College for Advanced Studies in Social Theory, Eszmélet Journal

Partner Organizations: Fordulat Journal, Geopolitical Economy Research Group, International Karl Polanyi Society, Institute of Political History Social Theory Research Group, Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy, LeftEast, Living and Working Conditions Observatory, Periféria Policy and Research Center, Solidarity Economy Center, Transform! Europe, Working Group for Public Sociology “Helyzet”